142 research outputs found

    Financiamento das Universidades Federais Paraenses no Contexto de Ajuste Fiscal: 2014-2021

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    The study aims to analyze the implications of the fiscal adjustment policy for the financing of the 4 (four) federal universities located in the state of Pará, in the period 2014-2021. The data were extracted from the Federal Budget Execution, according to Reports made available by the Federal Chamber of Deputies, organized by the Nature of Expense Group, with updated values, January 2022, by the Broad National Consumer Price Index. It is identified that the economic policy underway in Brazil, whose central framework is the Constitutional Amendment N. 95/2016, has as its central purpose to expand the allocation of the public budget to the financial sector of capital, with the consequence of reducing the resources allocated to policies social. In the specific case of the federal universities of Pará, the fiscal adjustment policy implies drastic cuts in Investments and Other Current Expenses, makes unfeasible the appropriate conditions for the development of teaching, research and extension activities, deepening the historical process of denial of the right to higher education in the state and region. In short, the reversal of this movement implies strengthening the opposition to the current economic model, with the struggle to expand state responsibility in maintaining social policies, including public higher education.El estudio tiene como objetivo analizar las implicaciones de la política de ajuste fiscal para la financiación de las 4 (cuatro) universidades federales ubicadas en el estado brasileiro de Pará, en el período 2014-2021. Los datos se extrajeron de la Ejecución del Presupuesto Federal, según los informes puestos a disposición por la Cámara Federal de Diputados, organizada por el Grupo de Naturaleza del Gasto, con valores actualizados, enero de 2022, por el Índice Nacional de Precios al Consumidor Amplio. Se identifica que la política económica en curso en Brasil, cuyo marco central es la Enmienda Constitucional N. 95/2016, tiene como objetivo central ampliar la asignación del presupuesto público al sector financiero del capital, con la consecuencia de una reducción de los recursos asignados a las políticas sociales. En el caso específico de las universidades federales de Pará, la política de ajuste fiscal implica recortes drásticos en las inversiones y otros gastos corrientes e impide las condiciones adecuadas para el desarrollo de las actividades de enseñanza, investigación y extensión, profundizando el proceso histórico de negación del derecho a la educación superior en el estado y la región. En suma, la reversión de este movimiento implica el fortalecimiento de la contraposición al modelo económico actual, con la lucha por la expansión de la responsabilidad del Estado en el mantenimiento de las políticas sociales, incluida la educación superior pública.O estudo tem como objetivo analisar as implicações da política de ajuste fiscal para o financiamento das 4 (quatro) universidades federais localizadas no estado do Pará, no período 2014-2021. Os dados foram extraídos da Execução Orçamentária da União, conforme Relatórios disponibilizados pela Câmara dos Deputados Federais, organizados por Grupo de Natureza de Despesa, com valores atualizados, janeiro de 2022, pelo Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo. Identifica-se que a política econômica em curso no Brasil, cujo marco central é a Emenda Constitucional N. 95/2016, tem como propósito central ampliar a destinação do orçamento público ao setor financeiro do capital, com a consequente redução dos recursos destinados às políticas sociais. No caso das universidades federais paraenses, a política de ajuste fiscal implica em cortes drásticos em Investimentos e Outras Despesas Correntes, a inviabilizar as condições adequadas para desenvolvimento das atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão, aprofundando o histórico processo de negação do direito à educação superior no estado e na região. Em suma, a reversão desse movimento implica no fortalecimento da contraposição ao modelo econômico vigente, com a luta pela ampliação da responsabilidade estatal na manutenção das políticas sociais, incluindo a educação superior pública

    Concepções, aproximações e afastamentos de docentes universitários em relação ao movimento sindical

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the process of closeness and distance of professors from the trade union movement, particularly in the case of union leaders from Federal University of Amapá Professors Trade Union (SINDUFAP), Trade Union Section of the National Union of Professors of Institutions of Higher Education (ANDES-SN), highlighting the syndicate conception that they defend in the context of transformations implemented by neoliberal governments in Brazil. The research is classified as a field research, with an exploratory nature. The subjects who participated in the research were professors who worked in the executive direction of the trade union from 1994 to 2018. It can be said that the problems imposed on trade unionism, as well as the motivations for closeness and distance are articulated with the broader issues of neoliberal policies implemented at national level which have negative consequences which need to be reflected about the limits (and possibilities) of trade unionism in general. In the core of the motivations to closeness and distance of the trade union are the conceptions of society, university and syndicate defended by the cited professors, even though other internal questions from the organizational issues need to be addressed. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el proceso de aproximaciones y distanciamientos de los docentes universitarios del movimiento sindical, particularmente en el caso de dirigentes de sindicato de los docentes de la Universidad Federal de Amapá (SINDUFAP), sección sindical del sindicato nacional de los docentes de las Instituciones de Enseñanza superior (ANDES-SN), destacando la concepción de sindicato que los mismos defienden en el contexto de transformaciones implementadas por gobiernos neoliberales en Brasil. En el ámbito de la investigación social se configura como investigación de campo, con naturaleza explotatoria. Los sujetos que participan de la investigación fueron docentes que actuaron en la dirección ejecutiva del sindicato de 1994 a 2018. Se evidencia, de modo general, que las problemáticas impuestas al sindicalismo de los docentes, como las motivaciones de aproximaciones y distanciamientos del movimiento sindical, se articulan con cuestiones mas amplias de las políticas neoliberales implementadas en el ámbito nacional que implica consecuencias negativas que precisan ser reflejadas acerca de los límites (y posibilidades) del sindicalismo de modo general. Las motivaciones de aproximación y distanciamiento del sindicato estan en las concepciones de sociedades, universidad y sindicato defendidas por los docentes, aunque también se registran otras cuestiones internas de organización que precisan ser enfrentadas. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o processo de aproximação e afastamento dos docentes universitários do movimento sindical, particularmente no caso de dirigentes do Sindicato dos Docentes da Universidade Federal do Amapá (SINDUFAP), Seção sindical do Sindicato Nacional dos Docentes das Instituições do Ensino Superior (ANDES-SN), destacando a concepção de sindicato que eles defendem no contexto de transformações implementadas por governos neoliberais no Brasil. No âmbito da pesquisa social, este trabalho configura-se como pesquisa de campo, com natureza exploratória. Os sujeitos que participaram da pesquisa foram docentes que atuaram na direção executiva do SINDUFAP, de 1994 a 2018. Evidencia-se, de modo geral, que as problemáticas impostas ao sindicalismo dos docentes, bem como as motivações de aproximação e afastamento do movimento sindical, articulam-se às questões mais amplas das políticas neoliberais implementadas em âmbito nacional, que acarretam consequências negativas que precisam ser refletidas acerca dos limites (e possibilidades) do sindicalismo de modo geral. No bojo das motivações de aproximação e afastamento do sindicato, estão as concepções de sociedade, universidade e sindicato defendidas pelos docentes, ainda que também se registrem outras questões internas da organização que precisam ser enfrentadas.

    Perfil fermentativo, estabilidade aeróbia, composição química e mineral de silagens de manga combinados com farelo de casca de cacau

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    Foi avaliado o perfil fermentativo, estabilidade aeróbia, composição química e conteúdo mineral de silagens de manga combinadas com farelo de casca de cacau. O delineamento adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado, incluindo quatro níveis (65, 70, 75 e 80%) e cinco repetições, totalizando 20 silos experimentais abertos aos 90 dias da vedação. O incremento dos níveis de manga nas silagens aumentou a recuperação de matéria seca, carboidratos totais e fração B2 de carboidratos, e reduziu as perdas de gases, matéria seca e matéria mineral. Foi encontrado um efeito quadrático para pH, capacidade tampão, potássio, boro, ferro e para as frações de nitrogênio A e B1 + B2. A utilização de produtos não convencionais como a manga combinada com a farinha da casca da vagem de cacau para a produção de silagem pode reduzir o custo da suplementação alimentar para ruminantes e a contaminação ambiental.The objective was to evaluate the fermentation profile, aerobic stability, chemical composition, and mineral content of silages of mango combined with cocoa pod husk meal. A completely randomized design was adopted, including four levels (65, 70, 75, and 80%) and five repetitions, totaling 20 experimental silos that were opened after 90 days of sealing. Increasing mango levels in the silages increased the dry matter recovery, total carbohydrates, and fraction B2 of carbohydrates, and reduced gas losses, dry matter, and mineral matter. The quadratic effect was found for pH, buffering capacity, potassium, boron, iron, and nitrogen fractions A and B1 + B2. Using unconventional products such as mango combined with cocoa pod husk meal for silage making can reduce the cost of food supplementation for ruminants, and the environmental contamination.


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    O presente relato de caso tem por objetivo proporcionar um estudo amplo da cirrose hepática alcoólica, visando expor a sua terapêutica e as formas de diagnostico. O paciente, 42 anos, sexo masculino apresenta uso crônico de bebidas alcoólicas, proporcionando um quadro de cirrose hepática, e consequentemente, uma hipertensão portal causadora de varizes esofágicas grau I (Palmer e Bricks), encefalopatia hepática grau I, adenomiosite de vesícula biliar, esplenomegalia, e moderada quantidade de líquido livre na cavidade abdominal (ascite). Além de apresentar Child Pugh C. Conclui-se que o paciente com cirrose hepática deve ter seu tratamento abordado de forma cuidadosa, fazendo uso da profilaxia da Peritonite Bacteriana, ficando atento aos aspectos de uma possível encefalopatia hepática e a manutenção da hipertensão porta, utilizando de vasoativos para evitar o aparecimento de Hemorragia Digestiva Alta

    Evaluation of this temporomandibular joint space when using different occlusal splints by cone beam computerized tomography : a case report

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    Introduction: An occlusal splint is a removable, reversible, non-invasive device made of acrylic, used to promote a harmonious occlusal contact. It is part of an arsenal of therapeutic modalities used in the treatment of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders. However, its mechanisms of action remain controversial. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain its efficiency, such as: repositioning of the condyle or disk; reduction of the masticatory electromyographic activity; change of harmful oral habits; increase of the intra-articular space reducing the overload on the TMJ. Case presentation: This case report aims to demonstrate the changes in TMJ spaces, assessed by Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBTC) scans, in a patient with indication to use occlusal splints. She was submitted to occlusal splints of 1 and 3 mm which were used during CBTC acquisition. The measures of the joint spaces with and without splints were compared by image software that shows an alteration of the upper, anterior, posterior, medial and lateral joint spaces. The 3 mm plate promoted an initial translation of condyle. Conclusion: The thicknesses of 3 and 1 mm promoted different joint space variations. The use of different thicknesses enables the individualization of the treatment for different pathologies affecting the TMJ.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Methane emission, intake, digestibility, performance and blood metabolites in sheep supplemented with cupuassu and tucuma cake in the eastern Amazon

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    The use of co-products as a feed supplement for ruminants makes livestock sustainable and optimizes the use of available areas and animal performance. Furthermore, when cakes are used, the residual fat composition can influence ruminal metabolism and methane (CH4) production. This study aimed to assess the effects of a diet containing cupuassu (CUP; Theobroma grandiflorum) and tucuma (TUC; Astrocaryum vulgare Mart.) cakes on intake, digestibility, serum metabolites, performance, and CH4 emissions in confined sheep in the Amazon. Approximately 28 animals, Dorper-Santa Inês, castrated, with an average initial live weight (ILW) of 35 ± 2.3 kg, were distributed in metabolic cages, in a completely randomized design, with four treatments and seven replications: (1) Control (C40), without the addition of Amazonian cake and with 40 g of ether extract (EE)/kg of dietary dry matter (DM); (2) CUP, the inclusion of the CUP cake and 70 g of EE/kg; (3) TUC, the inclusion of the TUC cake and 70 g of EE/kg; and (4) Control (C80), without the addition of Amazonian cake and with 80 g of EE/kg of dietary DM, with roughage to concentrate ratio of 40:60. The use of the TUC cake as a feed supplement reduced the intake of DM, crude protein (CP), and EE compared to the inclusion of the CUP cake (p < 0.05); however, it increased the intake of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) by 32% (p < 0.01). The highest averages of DM (732 g/kg) and CP (743 g/kg) digestibility were presented in C40, while the highest digestibility of NDF was presented in TUC (590 g/kg). Albumin levels stayed above and protein levels were below the reference values, and the C40 diet also obtained below results for cholesterol, triglycerides and High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) (P < 0.05). Sheep fed CUP (91 g) and TUC (45 g) had lower daily weight gains (DWGs) than those fed with diets without the inclusion of cakes (C40 = 119 g; C80 = 148 g), and feed efficiency (FE) was also lower in CUP (84) and TUC (60) diets than in C40 (119) and C80 (137) diets. CH4 emissions were lower in animals fed TUC (26 L/day) and higher in C40 (35 L/day); however, TUC resulted in higher CH4 emissions in grams/body live weight (BW) gain/day (353 g/BW/day) vs. 183 g/BW/day (C40), 157 g/BW/day (C80), and 221 g/BW/day (CUP). The supplementation with cakes did not improve intake, digestibility and performance, did not compromise blood metabolites and did not reduce the enteric CH4 emission in confined sheep in the Amazon; however, the use of CUP cake showed similar results to the control treatments and did not increase CH4 emissions, as occurred with the inclusion of TUC cake

    Natural variation of arsenic fractions in soils of the Brazilian Amazon

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    Arsenic (As) in native soils of the Amazon rainforest is a concern due to its likely origin from the Andean rivers, which transport loads of sediments containing substantial amounts of trace elements coming from the cordilleras. Yet, unveiling soil As baseline concentrations in the Amazon basin is still a need because most studies in Brazil have been performed in areas with predominantly high concentrations and cannot express a real baseline value for the region. In this study, 414 soil samples (0–20, 20–40 and 40–60 cm layers) were collected from different sites throughout the Amazon basin - including native Amazon rainforest and minimally disturbed areas - and used to determine total and extractable (soluble + available) As concentrations along with relevant soil physicochemical properties. Descriptive statistics of the data was performed and Pearson correlation supported by a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) provided an improved understanding of where and how As concentrations are influenced by soil attributes. Total As concentration ranged from 0.98 to 41.71 mg kg−1 with values usually increasing from the topsoil (0–20 cm) to the deepest layer (40–60 cm) in all sites studied. Considering the proportional contribution given by each fraction (soluble and available) on extractable As concentration, it is noticeable that KH2PO4-extractable As represents the most important fraction, with >70% of the As extracted on average in all the sites studied. Still, the extractable fractions (soluble + available) correspond to ~0.24% of the total As, on average. Total, available, and soluble As fractions were strongly and positively correlated with soil Al3+. The PCA indicated that soil pH in combination with CEC might be the key factors controlling soil As concentrations and the occurrence of each arsenic fraction in the soil layers

    Nutrient intake, digestibility, performance, carcass traits and sensory analysis of meat from lambs fed with co-products of Amazon oilseeds

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    Introduction:The increase in availability and nutritional composition of oilseed co-products has made it essential to study the use of this biomass.Methods:The objective of this work was to investigate the effects of including oilseed cakes on intake and digestibility, performance, carcass characteristics and meat sensory in feedlot lambs. Twenty-four crossbred Dorper × Santa Inês lambs, with initial body weight of 30 ± 1.3 kg, male, castrated, aged 4–5 months, were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with four treatments (diets) and six replications (animals), confined in individual stalls for 70 days.Results:The inclusion of tucuma cake (Tuc) reduced dry matter intake (p < 0.01) and diets with cupuassu cake (Cup) and palm kernel cake (Palm) reduced dry matter digestibility (p < 0.05). The Tuc diet also provided the lowest final body weight (p = 0.02); lower average daily gain (p = 0.03); lower feed efficiency (p = 0.03) and lower carcass weight (p < 0.01). However, diets did not influence carcass yield (%), fat thickness (mm) and loin eye area (cm2; p > 0.05). Meat from lambs on the control diet was rated as less fibrous and more tender (p < 0.05).Conclusion:The inclusion of tucuma cake does not influence digestibility, but reduces intake, performance and influences carcass characteristics and meat texture. Diets with cupuassu cake or palmiste cake reduced digestibility, however, intake, performance and carcass characteristics were similar to the control diet

    A combined stochastic model for seasonal prediction of precipitation in Brazil

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    Este artigo discute um modelo de previsão combinada para a realização de prognósticos climáticos na escala sazonal. Nele, previsões pontuais de modelos estocásticos são agregadas para obter as melhores projeções no tempo. Utilizam-se modelos estocásticos autoregressivos integrados a médias móveis, de suavização exponencial e previsões por análise de correlações canônicas. O controle de qualidade das previsões é feito através da análise dos resíduos e da avaliação do percentual de redução da variância não-explicada da modelagem combinada em relação às previsões dos modelos individuais. Exemplos da aplicação desses conceitos em modelos desenvolvidos no Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET) mostram bons resultados e ilustram que as previsões do modelo combinado, superam na maior parte dos casos a de cada modelo componente, quando comparadas aos dados observados.This article discusses a combined model to perform climate forecast in a seasonal scale. In it, forecasts of specific stochastic models are aggregated to obtain the best forecasts in time. Stochastic models are used in the auto regressive integrated moving average, exponential smoothing and the analysis of forecasts by canonical correlation. The quality control of the forecast is based on the residual analysis and the evaluation of the percentage of reduction of the unexplained variance of the combined model with respect to the individual ones. Examples of application of those concepts to models developed at the Brazilian National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) show good results and illustrate that the forecast of the combined model exceeds in most cases each component model, when compared to observed data